ALTER BRIDGE's MYLES KENNEDY Begins Recording Second Solo Album

August 22, 2020

ALTER BRIDGE frontman Myles Kennedy has entered the studio to begin recording his second solo album. He is using the same team that worked on 2018's "Year Of The Tiger", including producer Michael "Elvis" Baskette, engineer Jef Moll, as well as drummer Zia Uddin and bassist Tim Tournier.

Earlier today, Kennedy posted a photo of him and Uddin at the studio, and he included the following message: "Drums and percussion done! A musical bond that started over 34 years ago continues today. Grateful for the incredible work ethic and talent my brother @zznuddin brought to this record. In my opinion he is one of the best out there. More important....he's a great human. ? #MKII #quarantinedinstudio #solorecord #drums #drummer #childhoodfriends #studio #studiolife"

Last month, Myles Kennedy told "Offstage With DWP" about the musical direction of the forthcoming LP: "'Year Of The Tiger', first of all, is a very dark record, and it's very stripped down, very acoustic based. This one has elements of that. I wanted to keep a common thread with it. There are acoustic elements. There's definitely still that element of a lot of slide guitar, a lot of lap steel, 'cause I just love how emotive both those are. But it definitely rocks a little more. There's no doubt about it — this is more of a rock record, with kind of a heavy R&B undercurrent at times as well. There's even one song — if it makes the record — which is a full-on Motown thing.

"I've got so many [songs] right now," Myles added. "[The overall direction] is really gonna depend on what makes the record. I think I learned that from David Bowie interview, where he [said he] would try and write… He'd have 40 songs to choose from [for an album], so that way you can make the best statement you can."

Myles's tour in support of "Year Of The Tiger" featured music from the album as well as selections from Myles's work with ALTER BRIDGE, THE MAYFIELD FOUR and SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY AND THE CONSPIRATORS.

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